How RNG Works In An Online Casino?

Previously, there was a widespread belief among players that they could roughly determine just when the slot machines of the period were about to pay out big money. Another prevalent belief was that most casinos were engaged in tweaking their slot machines to pay out as little money as possible, thereby scamming players. While this might have been previously possible, it is no longer so as slot machines and other games became increasingly advanced and entered the digital age.

With this advancement came such software as the Random Number Generator, which seeks to randomize outcomes in games such as the online slots as much as possible. The Random Number Generator refers to a complicated mechanism or a program code that uses the MD5 algorithm. It is applied to all variety of games and eliminates the possibility of players, dealers and the casino influencing games in their favour.

How RNG Works In An Online Casino?

Types of Random Number Generators

Random Number Generators are of 2 types- Hardware Random Number Generator and Pseudorandom Number Generator. These two will be examined in detail.

Hardware Random Number Generator- These are mainly found in traditional casinos and arcades. Usually, it consists of an external device that is hooked up to the USB port of the casino server. Random numbers are generated by it with compound values being primarily employed. Such Random Number Generators are usually sealed to prevent illegal modifications.

Pseudorandom Number Generator- This is a program code that makes use of mathematical algorithms to perform set actions. These are mainly found in online outfits and predetermines the outcome in such games like slots well before the reels have even begun spinning.

Random Number Generator And How They Work In Casinos?

Using a basic number as a starting point, the Random Number Generator determines the succeeding value via its algorithm. This number is then made the new basic number and the process goes on ad infinitum.
As everything is totally randomized there is no way for the casino to alter the results in their favour, or for players to know exactly when jackpots will pay out. As well, it bears knowing that every Random Number Generator is fully registered with the gambling commissioned concerned and must pass rigorous tests before being certified as satisfactory.

Importance Of The Random Number Generator Certificate Of Compliance

Such certificates are an assurance that a casino is operating in an above-board manner and that players are given fair chances for wins. Such certificates are issued by independent, tried and trusted audit companies as a form of guarantee that the results in gameplay are truly random. The icons of the auditing entity are frequently shown on the website of casinos as proof that their games have been analyzed and not found wanting.

Usually, the cost of such auditing work varies according to its complexity and the game concerned.

Random Number Generator Hacking, A Possibility?

Theoretically, it is possible to hack a Random Number Generator for fraudulent activities. However, performing this illegal activity takes some hours, during which time alarms will sound and law enforcement alerted.

Why Random Number Generator Is Vital?

Random Number Generator guarantees the total randomness of game results and builds trust and confidence in the system. Without it, no one would play games, as it would be too easy for players or the casino to cheat.

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Blog Name: How RNG Works In An Online Casino?

Posted On: 02/11/2018

Author: Jennifer Albee

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