Transformation of Mobile Casinos by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often defined as the simulation of human intelligence demonstrated by computers. AI is the act of integrating an intelligence system in machines, such that the machines can think and make certain decisions on their own. The idea is to create devices that can learn from their environments and take actions, usually for the benefit of human beings.

Transformation of Mobile Casinos by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence nowadays is used in almost every aspect that has to do with the processing and assimilation of data. The ultimate aim is to enable machines to learn from human conduct and environment and alter their behaviour and actions accordingly. Furthermore, AI is now being used in almost every field related to the internet and/or technology, to bring more life. AI is used in the industry of iGaming, with many online casinos now focusing on providing more and more AI-powered 3D games. It has played a major role in the evolution of the mobile slots that we see today. So, how is AI changing the world of mobile slots and what will be its impact in the long term? 

Visual Realism

In the world of virtual games, we have come a far way from 2D graphics and slack animations. Today’s games are highly elaborate, polished and realistic. However, AI can easily take this another level up by helping us create video game environments and characters that look natural and realistic.

Smarter Games

More and more mobile slots are using advanced AI and machine learning to improve the gameplay and make it more challenging. 

Safer Mobile Casino

Perhaps the greatest benefit that AI can bring to the mobile casino or mobile slots world is the ability to detect gambling addiction sooner than your average casino would. If a player is using the mobile casino too often or spending a large amount of money in one go, it can be made known to the mobile casino. AI can detect gambling addiction as soon as the problem arises by analysing the player’s data and behaviour. The account may then be suspended and support offered before the problem spirals out of control.

Catching Fraudsters

Just as players need to be offered protection and be informed about gambling addiction, online casinos need to be protected from immoral players. AI can scope out cheating players in the same way it analyses behaviour to safeguard others. Online casinos are at a disadvantage compared to their land-based peers when it comes to monitoring players in action. online players can refer probability programs or employ their own AI bots to gain an unfair advantage over the house. All innocent players benefit when AI quickly identifies and roots out a cheating scheme. 

Fair Mobile Slots and Online Casino Games

The use of AI in mobile slots or other casino games is also expected to minimize the role of luck, as everything will become clearer and fairer. 

Combating Fraud in Mobile Casinos

Unfortunately, credit card fraud is a prevailing problem on the internet in general. Introducing AI into mobile slots and casinos could solve this problem and keep players safe. AI technology can analyse behavioural patterns every time you log into your account, which means they can detect when an imposter may be using your account. 

For example, if you usually play slot machines at $1 bets and then suddenly your account starts placing hundreds of dollars on a VIP table game, AI will pick up on this change in behaviour and send you an alert.

AI Attracts More Millennials to Mobile Casinos

Millennials are the generation that grew up with technology and has spent their lives watching one innovation after another. This has given many of them a fascination with technology, and the simple greed of seeing advanced programs at work can draw them into mobile casinos that use A.I.

What AI Means to the Future of Mobile Casinos?

AI is undoubtedly one of the biggest revolutionary technologies that are available to us today. It is changing the world for the better and paved the way for mobile casinos around the world. Therefore, it will only be fair to say that AI is going to become a very important part of mobile casinos and mobile slots. As you can see, some major mobile casinos have already started using this technology to empower their games. AI, in combination with AR (Augmented Reality) and 3D, is expected to enhance the gambling experience of mobile casinos.

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Blog Summary

Blog Name: Transformation of Mobile Casinos by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Posted On: 19/01/2020

Author: Jennifer Albee

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